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New Management Philosophy

Lavi International has adopted the following new management philosophy in order to promptly and efficiently responds to problems and criticisms voiced by its customers. The new corporate mindset boldly discards outdated management practices to achieve further international prestige and credibility.

Transparent Management

Our Company aspires to be a Company that is truly centered on knowledge-based management and the open sharing of information. Accordingly, the Company's commitment to transparent management is based on the complete disclosure of the decision-making process and outcome. Highly respected international and domestic auditing firms will evaluate the transparency and quality of Lavi International financial statements for the benefit of the public and its customers.

Value Management

The principle of value management has as its aim the reorganization of Lavi International Corporation, decision-making and operational processes in such a way as to greater enhance the benefits reaped by its customers. It will correct the Company past history of reckless business expansion and acts as a guideline for increasing development of new Business and investment techniques under the slogans of, "Always One Step beyond Your Expectation," and "Newer & Faster." Value management places our employees to become top marketing and sales experts capable of completely meeting all the customer’s needs.

Empowered Management

The concept of empowered management revolves on an efficient internal check and balance system and an advanced managerial accounting system that encourages employees to show initiative and to act at their own discretion in their business dealings. We anticipate that this will empower employees, boosting the responsibility and creativity level of the company and greatly contributing to the overall development of its corporate foundations.


Transparency of Colour, Reflect light
the play of a variety of shapes, in
Studio glass an echo of civilization
in the life of everyday!

Word from
the Chairman

About us

Corporate Governance

Vision & Strategy

Management Philosophy

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