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Marketing Strategies

We have been able to attain our marketing objectives, by the vast unflinching commitments, expert ways and professionalism in conducting all our external relations. We provide efficient and highly effective sales and timely delivery of our cargoes to any destination in the World.  Round the clock services are rendered constantly to all our viable clients.

Our competent International marketing department has been able to expand the network chains of marketing involving branch offices, Agents, Trader's and Broker's, all carefully selected to ensure they meet the Company's high standards of efficiency. We market crude oil daily from more than 5 Countries. We transport and market all major crude oil grades, and have long standing relationships with major pipeline, refineries and trading companies.

The Prices of crude oil are calculated as average mean low/high quotations, as published by the Platt’s oil gram. Monthly average crude oil spot prices are calculated from daily quotations, while the annual averages are calculated from the average of the twelve consecutive calendar’s months. Normally, prices are either dated (when it’s a spot price), and assessed (based on Platt’s weekly assessment of spot prices) or the first month’s forward supply, which is the dated quotation for prompt physical cargoes.

Prices for oil apply to quantities are measured by approved automatic custody transfer facilities or 100% turnout with customary adjustment of volume and gravity for temperature and full deduction for sediment and water, adjusted to the nearest tenth °API using the following price adjustments for gravity variations from the posted gravity.

Gravity Range °API

Price Adjustment

Above 40.0°API


34.0° to 40.0°API


Below 34.0°API


All Prices are subject to deduction for transportation and other charges where applicable.


The prices are based upon computation of quantities by mutually acceptable automatic measuring equipment in accordance with the latest ASTM Standards and API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS) generally accepted in the petroleum industry with deductions for full sediment, water and other impurities.


For further information please contact us



Crude oil

Crude Oil Trading
and Supply

Global Trading
in products

Marketing Strategies

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How BIG is a Barrel?

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